Monday, July 30, 2012

Bible Study Time!

Alright, I've got my bible, my journal, all the Christian books I own, my "God time" music playlist on repeat, a comfy chair with some pillows, a glass of water, and my phone is off. I'm ready for some one-on-one devotional.
So, where to begin. Maybe I'll just open to a random page and see what God destined for me to read - wait, no, that's dumb. It doesn't work like that. Okay, I'll just pick James, that's a book full of good advice. Alright, here I go.

... *five minutes pass* ...

I love you God, but I don't like this Phil Wickham song. Next.
Same with this one. Next.

... *five minutes pass* ...

Wow, those trash trucks are loud. Way to distract me!
And it's SO bright right now. Aw, look at what a nice day it is outside today! It's perfect to be on the beach. NO. Focus. Beach tomorrow.

... *five minutes pass* ...

I wonder what time it is. Oh yea, I wouldn't know because my phone is off. What if my parents text me and it's important? I should really turn my phone back on. Wait, what am I thinking? They can wait one quick hour while I'm doing my bible study.

... *five minutes pass* ...

It really is a beautiful day. I mean, I could just go and study on the beach. It will help me appreciate the wonder and beauty of God's work.
No no no. It's strictly study day. No day dreaming.
Now back to James. Chapter 1 verse 4....

So many of my bible studies are spent like this. Losing focus to random things (this morning someone put so much cologne on that I smelled it from my second-story bedroom window) for the first half hour until I'm finally fully absorbed in the reading. But when my attention is locked in, the bonding time that I get to enjoy with God is SO amazing. It goes from trying to catch every word I'm reading, to being totally engaged with my Father. The time is spent more in a conversation than a battle to get through a chapter. It's experiencing the satisfaction that I'm understanding what God is telling me that makes not-going down to the beach, or leaving my phone off, completely worth it.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love being at the beach or up a mountain, sitting in awe in the middle of God's creation. But I don't ever get the same connection as when I'm inside, nose-deep into my bible, learning straight from the Word. That one-on-one communication with the Lord is so important to me, I'd suffer through at least ten minutes of mysterious, bad cologne smell for it.

Personally, Claudia Rose.

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