Friday, August 17, 2012

My decisions vs. God's decisions

So, one of the things I struggle with a bit is making decisions quickly and randomly. A lot of the times I can tell if they're good decision or bad decisions, and if they're "right" or "wrong" (in terms of what God wants.) But there are times when I'm just utterly at a loss of whether what I feel I should be doing is God pushing me to do it, or if it's me just getting excited and thinking God wants me to do it.

The perfect example: my move to Tennessee and back.
My decision to move there was all on me. It took about two weeks for me decide and leave. I got excited and just jumped into it, didn't specifically feel God saying no, so I concluded "This is what God wants."
Well, the move turned out to be a horrid idea, and my decision to move back was even quicker than the one to move in the first place; I decided and left within a week. It was another time when I didn't worry about the details, I didn't hesitate to pack up everything and rent a car, I just fully felt like I had to do it. The only difference between my two decisions is God. The first move was me trying to control my life and doing what I said God thought was best for me (Like I can say what God wants for me. Ha!) The second was all God - I could literally feel Him moving in me and ordering me to go back to my home. It was just so direct and honest, it's like I didn't even have a choice to let my silly brain decide.

Tonight I was talking to a lovely girl about some"thing" that I think God has placed on my heart to do. I was telling her that I feel like I'm getting signs left and right from Him reminding me of this "thing", and maybe telling me to move forward with it, but I don't know if it's just me noticing random things and mistaking them for God sightings. Luckily, this girl is incredibly wise and gave me perfect advice.

First, she said "God is not a God of confusion," which is something I remember so many people telling me before I moved, but that I totally brushed off. IT'S SO TRUE THOUGH! She said "God will make His will crystal clear." Which is super encouraging, and something I know to be true. Unfortunately, I also know that I get impatient and start going "Okay, that sign was crystal clear enough for me!" and want to dive into things.

And the second thing she said that stuck with me was "If you don't know something about God, refer back to what you do know." Then she listed a few obvious things that we sometimes look over; God is providing, God is loving, God wants us to love, etc. I love that so much, because when I get impatient and don't know what God is trying to say to me, I will put words in His mouth. But this different technique is so much easier and better - just look back to what you already know about God. I love to keep things simple, so I feel kind of silly having never thought to do this before!

This "thing" that God has put on my heart is kind of wild and random, and I felt like this girl was the only person I could really talk to about it, considering she's the only person I know to have experienced it. But it turns out, the advice she gave me was completely different from what I was expecting. She barely even talked about the "thing" at all, she just told me how to know what God is wanting, which is exactly what I needed to hear. I can't decide what God wants for me, she can't decide what God wants for me, only God can. I went into the conversation expecting her to shed light on what I should decide, and came out ready and willing (and excited) to see where God leads me and what He is going to tell me.

Personally, Claudia Rose

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